English   14474 НПО

Training for youth workers in support of civil, economic and social integration of displaced people from Ukraine in Bulgaria

Training for youth workers in support of civil, economic and social integration of displaced people from Ukraine in Bulgaria

Тема: Бежанци и мигранти; Демокрация и гражданско общество; Социални услуги

Категория: Други обучителни материали

The "Connecting Communities - Empowering Transitions" project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program, is a joint effort between Blackwater Training Ireland and Foundation „Situation Center Open Doors", Bulgaria. The project focuses on supporting the integration of displaced people from Ukraine in both countries. This initiative aims to facilitate their social, economic and civic integration through personalized educational resources, training programs and hands-on activities.

With a strong focus on youth empowerment, the project uses innovative tools such as WebQuests that engage learners in online tasks that enhance their understanding of civil rights, opportunities to participate in host societies, and economic opportunities.

The resources created for youth workers aim to train them and provide them with new tools to support young migrants, thereby promoting a smoother transition to their new communities.

In addition to WebQuests, the project has hosted knowledge-sharing workshops and integration workshops, creating opportunities for migrants and locals to interact and learn from each other. Results so far include improved awareness of migrant rights, access to healthcare, employment support and basic civic knowledge. This joint effort has already led to tangible successes, such as employment and increased social participation of displaced persons.

Through its combination of practical tools and educational initiatives, the Connecting Communities - Empowering Transitions project aims to create positive change in the lives of young migrants by offering them the skills and support they need to thrive in their new environment.

Година на издаване: 2024

Eзик: English

Автор: Blackwater Training & Consulting

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