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Обновен уебсайт на фондация "Общество на децата"

Фондация "Общество на децата" обнови своя уебсайт.

Първият уебсайт на фондацията бе създаден изцяло от доброволчески екип, на когото сме много благодарни и задължени за коректното партньорство. Нуждаехме се от нова визия и обновихме сайта с нова автоматизирана платформа, която можете да разгледате на следния уеб-адрес:


We have just launched our new website and we’re excited to introduce you to our fresh look! After months of dedication, reiteration, and hard work, we are proud to launch our new website! Here we are always looking for ways to improve the quality of service we offer. As a leading foundation, we thought it was time to enhance your online experience with a fresh new look, an intuitive design and navigation system, and a range of new content.

What’s new?

Fresh Design
Our new websites reflect our new brand image and what we stand for; with a sleek look-and-feel and a simplified color scheme of orange, green, and white. We also wanted to incorporate elements of our logo into the layout. Because our logo is an important part of our identity and history- by integrating it into the new website, we wanted to celebrate our past and look forward to the future.
Navigation system
Our improved on-site navigation system directs you to the information most relevant to you. You can even read in English and Bulgarian. There are surveys, subscriber lists, interviews, links to social media websites.
Mobile optimized
Our new website is fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and devices whether you're at your desk or on the move.
New content
We’ve also introduced a range of new content, including a section on who we are, our partners, news, project descriptions, and features. In addition, you can now download our brochure and technical datasheets and subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates.
We wanted to make it easier for you to get in touch with us and to know how to contact us. You can also reach us by email, phone call, or post; our office is ready to answer questions or doubts you may have.


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Сходни публикации

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