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Effective Business Communication: From Roadblocks to Bridges

Effective Business Communication: From Roadblocks to Bridges

The English Language Café and Multi Kulti Collective invite you to the next edition of our weekly idea-exchange series: ‘Effective Business Communication: From Roadblocks to Bridges’ with Tanya Kirilova.

Does speaking English at work feel like it is holding you back from showing your full potential? Are you finding it hard to communicate your ideas clearly?
In this session, Tanya Kirilova will help uncover the real barriers to effective workplace communication. Some of the roadblocks might be connected with areas of language, like grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. However, just as many might be caused by emotional factors, or explained by workplace dynamics and cultural context. Once you’ve outlined the challenges, you’ll gain some practical strategies to express yourself clearly and connect with others.

Tanya has created a short survey to identify the real-life challenges professionals like you are facing. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences, so that your input can shape the session: https://forms.gle/SBiYW6pQKeLyge768

About Tanya Kirilova

Tanya Kirilova is a Business English coach with many years of experience helping professionals communicate more effectively in international workplaces. She holds an MA in Literature and Linguistics, as well as CELTA and DELTA qualifications. Tanya has taught and managed projects at the British Council and worked internationally at the University of Sohar in Oman.

Through her consultancy, Tanya offers targeted Business English courses and coaching to help professionals deal with their unique challenges. She is currently building a supportive community where people can learn, share ideas, and grow together. When she’s not coaching, Tanya enjoys walking, discussing life’s big questions with her daughters, and exploring the intersection of language and culture.

This session is your chance to explore what stands in the way of your Business English communication goals. Let’s remove the roadblocks and find the skills and strategies to build bridges and move forward with confidence.

Following Tanya’s presentation, we will enjoy signature alcohol-free beverages prepared by the ELC’s expert bartender, Hristo, and continue the evening with engaging small-group conversations as part of our idea exchange.

Join us for an evening of conversation and connection - get inspired, learn something new, practice your English, and meet remarkable people from all over the world!
  • When: Jan 22, 2025; 7-9 pm
  • Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.
  • 5 lv entrance fee, cash only (includes a non-alcoholic beverage with complimentary refills); registration is required:
The event will be held entirely in English.

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