English   14437 НПО

Organized corruption: Political financing in the Western Balkans


Тема: Международни и европейски въпроси, политики и изследвания; Противодействие на насилието, корупцията и организираната престъпност

Категория: Анализи и доклади

Организирана корупция: политическо финансиране в Западните Балкани

Докладът разглежда три компонента на политическото финансиране: финансирането на политически партии и избори; политическо влияние и контрол на държавни предприятия; контрол и използване на обществени поръчки за политически цели.

Political financing certainly entails how political parties and elections are financed. This relates to the acquisition of power. But once power is acquired, there is another dimension to political financing – namely, control over financial investments and the economy, particularly through public enterprises and public procurement, and how this is used to maintain and expand power and wealth. The transparent, accountable and responsible management of public resources for public good can only be achieved by counteracting the misuse of the public purse for political or personal agendas and enrichment.

To dissect and analyze the issue, three components of political financing are covered
in this report:
■ The financing of political parties and elections
■ Political influence and control over state-owned (public) enterprises
■ Political use and control over public procurement.

Година на издаване: 2023

Eзик: английски

Автор: Uglješa Ugi Zvekić, Sunčana Roksandić, Bojan Dobovšek

Издател: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

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