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Request for proposals: political party focus groups in Bulgaria

Request for proposals: political party focus groups in Bulgaria

Political party focus groups in Bulgaria


The National Democratic Institute (NDI or the Institute) seeks proposals for the organization, implementation and analysis of a series of qualitative (focus group) research in Bulgaria. The purpose of this research is to ascertain and analyze prevailing attitudes, thoughts, beliefs and feelings among constituencies of citizens, including motivation and concerns about political parties and their effectiveness in providing political and governmental leadership, voting sentiment, and on critical reform issues around corruption and foreign disinformation.

Scope of Services

NDI plans 10 focus groups, each 45-90 minutes, consisting of 6-12 persons in the period March 1 – April 20, 2024 in different locations in Bulgaria. The focus groups should include a representative sample of social groups, including persons with disabilities, persons from underrepresented groups (like the Roma, youth, persons from different ethnic communities), voters for main political parties, undecided voters, and voters from vulnerable groups, on a variety of topics pertaining to their perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, expectations and recommendations for democracy, good governance, and accountability standards for political parties.

Special focus shall be paid to issues related to political corruption, political party financing and electoral systems, priorities and values voters look for in their elected leaders, as well as issues like women’s participation, the inclusion of youth and ethnic minorities in decision-making, and the impact of Russian disinformation on voters’ attitudes.

At least two focus groups will be held with leading parties’ supporters of GERB, WCC, BSP, MRF

Expected deliverables and indicative timeframe:
  • Organization and implementation of 10 focus groups as per agreed methodology, financial offer and timeframe. The discussion guides for the focus groups shall be prepared in cooperation with NDI. The selected agency will be expected to secure suitable premises and equipment for the focus groups and separate space for NDI’s staff monitoring the focus group discussions. The equipment used on the premises shall be at the cost of the research agency. The selected research agency shall provide NDI with transcripts of all focus groups held within one week of holding the last focus group - by 29 March 2024.
  • Analysis of each focus group research in English submitted to NDI no later than ten days after the last focus group has been held. The version that NDI receives needs to be the final version of the report, written legibly, and edited and proofread at the cost of the research agency – by 12 April 2024.
  • Final report of the research consisting of all focus groups, presenting disaggregated data by age, gender, education, locality, social status - and visualizations to the findings of the main research questions. The analysis needs to contain an executive summary of up to five pages to include general conclusions of all focus groups and conclusions drawn on each topic – by 24 April 2024.
  • Up to 10 PowerPoint Presentations with the main findings (in English) targeted for stakeholders as indicated by NDI. The presentations of the focus groups shall be scheduled in consultation with NDI by 3 May 2024.

Application Instructions

NDI requests the services of an agency with relevant focus group and opinion research experience to conduct this qualitative research in Bulgaria. Applicants should submit a proposal package with the following documents and information:
  • Technical proposal with a statement of understanding of the current background and political situation in Bulgaria, demographic assessment of constituency groups, and an assessment of up to 10 municipalities that the research will focus on with a rationale for why those municipalities are suggested.
  • Methodology and proposal for the focus groups, including the research scope and hypotheses, the main questions, tools and modes for recruitment of participants in the groups, the proposed locations, the timetable for conducting the focus groups, and any other information deemed relevant by the applicant.
  • CV(s) of project management staff indicating prior relevant experience, including at least five years’ experience in conducting qualitative research in Bulgaria.
  • A list of prior clients and contact information.
  • Proposed budget.

NDI will evaluate bids based on the agency’s ability to meet description of product needed, experience and price. Bidders should disclose in their proposal if they have any close, familial or financial relationship with NDI, its staff or officers, or other relationship or action that may be perceived as a potential conflict of interest (for example, the company’s President is the cousin of an NDI staff member).

NDI reserves the right to reject any and all bids. NDI reserves the right to consider bids for modification at any time before a contract is awarded. NDI shall not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation, transmittal, or presentation of any materials submitted in response to the RFP. NDI reserves the right to inspect the proposed bidder’s facilities or equipment before making an award.

Please submit proposal packages to jkostrzewski@ndi.org no later than February 25, 2024.

About NDI

The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that responds to the aspirations of people around the world to live in democratic societies that recognize and promote basic human rights. NDI works to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. Since its founding in 1983, NDI has worked with local partners in 156 countries, bringing together individuals and groups to share ideas, knowledge, experiences and expertise. In Bulgaria, NDI has supported political parties, civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders to deliver for the people and engage in civic and political processes.

Източник: The National Democratic Institute